2010 年新推出透氣上蓋型 BugDorm-1,尺寸及附件均與 DP1000 相同,差別在上蓋板具有一網狀的圓蓋。特別適用於使用人工餵血器,或餌料外置。上蓋板中的透氣網是 24 目不鏽鋼網,堅固,易清理。
加購「BD7005 昆蟲羽化罐」,可與此養蟲籠 (具透氣上蓋型)搭配,為昆蟲提供理想的羽化環境。將養蟲籠上方的透氣網移開,改安裝「BD7005 昆蟲羽化罐」的集蟲杯和漏斗,即變身成羽化籠。養蟲籠中的幼蟲羽化後,成蟲會經由漏斗狀的通道進入上層的集蟲杯,操作簡單容易。
- Exposure to genetically engineered olive fly (Bactrocera oleae) has no negative impact on three nontarget organisms. Marubbi et al. (2017). Scientific Reports, 7(1), 1-10.
- Geosmin attracts Aedes aegypti mosquitoes to oviposition sites. Melo et al. (2020). Current Biology, 30(1), 127-134.
- The irritant receptor TRPA1 mediates the mosquito repellent effect of catnip. Melo et al. (2021). Current Biology, 31(9), 1988-1994.
- Blood meal analysis of Anopheles vectors of simian malaria based on laboratory and field studies. Jeyaprakasam et al. (2022). Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1-13.
- The Roles of Mating, Age, and Diet in Starvation Resistance in Bactrocera oleae (Olive Fruit Fly). Balampekou et al. (2023). Insects, 14(11), 841.
- Grapefruit-derived nootkatone potentiates GABAergic signaling and acts as a dual-action mosquito repellent and insecticide. Triana et al. (2024). Current Biology, Early View.