BugDorm-4 組合式養蟲籠,全系列台灣製造。組裝容易,框架位於籠體外部,籠內沒有可供昆蟲躲藏的狹縫。因應客戶常常需要在溫室或戶外飼養昆蟲,2024年特別推出BD4H系列,全帳體包括六個面及袖套皆採用粗線徑的尼龍網布,堅固耐用,網目約為40×32。組合後尺寸47.5×47.5×47.5公分,此款網布的耐候性、耐咬性及透氣性俱佳。袖套的部分有兩條綁帶,方便封閉開口,因為此款網布比較硬挺,封閉袖套比較困難,如果用綁繩不夠緊密,您還可以自行用合適的夾子來加強。
- Beyond predation: the zoophytophagous predator Macrolophus pygmaeus induces tomato resistance against spider mites. Pappas et al. (2015). PLoS One, 10(5), e0127251.
- Defensive insect symbiont leads to cascading extinctions and community collapse. Sanders et al. (2016). Ecology Letters, 19(7), 789-799.
- Symbionts protect aphids from parasitic wasps by attenuating herbivore-induced plant volatiles. Frago et al. (2017). Nature Communications, 8(1), 1-9.
- Low levels of artificial light at night strengthen top-down control in insect food web. Sanders et al. (2018). Current Biology, 28(15), 2474-2478.
- Inverse resource allocation between vision and olfaction across the genus Drosophila. Keesey et al. (2019). Nature Communications, 10(1), 1-16.
- Aphid Herbivory Drives Asymmetry in Carbon for Nutrient Exchange between Plants and an Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungus. Charters et al. (2020). Current Biology, 30(10), 1801-1808.
- Releasing incompatible males drives strong suppression across populations of wild and Wolbachia-carrying Aedes aegypti in Australia. Beebe et al. (2021). PNAS, 118(41), e2106828118.
- Spectrum of artificial light at night drives impact of a diurnal species in insect food web. Sanders et al. (2022). Science of The Total Environment, 831, 154893.
- Plant viruses induce plant volatiles that are detected by aphid parasitoids. Milonas et al. (2023). Scientific Reports, 13(1), 8721.
- Phenolics as ecologically relevant cues for slime flux breeding Drosophila virilis. Mahadevan et al. (2024). iScience, 27(11), 111180.