台灣製造。本款掃網袋開口 2/3 的長度以堅固耐用的框布縫製,更禁得起樣區植物的勾纏;底部 1/3 採用高級的 100 目尼龍絹網,以將低風阻,掃動不費力。網口直徑為 30cm,深度 60cm。註:本品還須選購網框和網柄,才能組成整組的掃網。
- Detecting extra-ocular Chlamydia trachomatis in a trachoma-endemic community in Ethiopia: Identifying potential routes of transmission. Last et al. (2020). PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 14(3), e0008120.
- Field-and laboratory-based studies on correlates of Chlamydia trachomatis transmission by Musca sorbens: Determinants of fly-eye contact and investigations into fly carriage of elementary bodies. Robinson et al. (2024). PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 18(7), e0012280.