台灣設計製造,品質優良。採用鋁製支架和 PE 製收集漏斗,堅固耐用,經濟實惠,適合實驗室處理大量標本使用。漏斗及篩盤皆可套疊,野外採集攜帶方便。篩盤網目為 7mm、直徑 30cm。組合式骨架,擴充性佳。附白色網布上蓋,既透氣,又可有效隔絕外來昆蟲的干擾。
- Moss inhabiting flea beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae: Alticini) of the West Indies II: Menudos, a new genus from Puerto Rico and description of methods to collect moss inhabiting flea beetles. Linzmeier & Konstantinov (2020). Zootaxa, 4786(1), 1-22.
- Moss-inhabiting beetles of the West Indies (Insecta: Coleoptera). Konstantinov et al. (2023). Journal of Insect Biodiversity, 38(2), 48-72.
- Unveiling the above-ground eukaryotic diversity supported by individual large old trees: the “Life on Trees” integrative protocol. Leponce et al. (2024). Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 7, 1425492.