高級白色特多龍雨傘布縫製,採用鋁合金桿為骨架,組立方便,可收集各種夜行昆蟲。具透明塑遮雨布,保護您的燈具。組立後尺寸:160 x 160 x 170 cm。整組包含:夜間採集帳主體1個 (含遮雨布及收集地布)、10節鋁合金桿 2 支、營釘9支、營繩4條及收納提袋。本組不含燈具。
- Reassessment of the generic definition of Sesapa Walker, 1854, with descriptions of two new species of Taiwan (Erebidae, Arctiinae, Lithosiini). Wu, S (2019). Tinea, 25(1), 75-83.
- Descriptions of three new species of the Miltochrista generic complex in Taiwan (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae). Wu & Kishida (2020). The Japan heterocerists’ journal, 293, 450-456.
- First Record of Ozola japonica Prout, 1910 (Lepidoptera: Geometridae: Desmobathrinae) from Taiwan, and a Preliminary Conservation Assessment of its Yangmingshan Population. Wu, S (2021). Taiwanese Journal of Entomological Studies, 6(4), 39-42.
- A Color Atlas of the Chinese Mecoptera. Wang & Hua (2022). Springer.
- Light tents as an effective method for collecting moths. Ko et al. (2024). Lepidoptera Novae, 17 (3), 155-160.